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السحر وخطره على المجتمعات قديما وحديثا . الإدارة العلمية والبحوث Research studies and the risk فضح دهاليز السحرة المظلمة وطرق عمل السحر والطلاسم والتحذير من طقوس الكهّان والعرّافين

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قديم 29 Nov 2012, 12:00 AM
أبو موهبة
من السودان الغالية - جزاه الله تعالى خيرا
أبو موهبة غير متصل
لوني المفضل Cadetblue
 رقم باحث : 9685
 تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
 فترة الأقامة : 5039 يوم
 أخر زيارة : 22 Aug 2022 (11:23 AM)
 المشاركات : 1,653 [ + ]
 التقييم : 13
 معدل التقييم : أبو موهبة is on a distinguished road
بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
Black magic

Black Magic is a type of magic that is often used to bring harm to another person. It is strongly associated with the devil and was thought to be practices by witches. Magic is an agreement set up between a Magician and Satan which stipulates that the Magician commit certain illegal or polytheistic acts, in return for the Satan assistance and obedience in the fulfilling the Magician request. It is used to call forth the powers of darkness and evil in an attempt to control natural forces through the use of spells, incantations.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at a far away place.the effects of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negative and inability to accept others happiness and groth.the use of Black Magic has become the most common way to take out one,s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from turmoil of others.this problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaibtances and relatives.many prosperous happy families are ruined by Black Magic.
When ever any person is victimized by black magic, then the evil spirits, jinn and devils get domination over him and rule him. The victim completely is drenched in to that state where his acts, thoughts are run by them – and thus gets in to heap big trouble.Spells can have a genuine effect that can manipulate the body; even to the extent that it can cause sexual impotence. It may also make the affected person go insane, as it disturbs the emotional balance.
Magician write Quranic verses with filth, some write them using menses discharge, some write them under their feet and use as foorwear to go to the toilet. However, if the Magician abstains from committing acts of disbelief, as instructed by Satan, the latter will stop executing the Magician orders. The Magician and Satan are therefore, two accomplices in disobeying Allah. The darkness of kufr covers Magician face like a black cloud. If you get close to him, you will discover that he lives in a psychological misery with his wife and children, and even with himself. He cant sleep peacefully at night with a clear conscience. He often wakes up in a terrified state several times at night, some times demons harm his children, wife and cause division and marital squabbles.

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
White magic is the opposite of black magic, and is not thought to cause harm to others. It can be hard to distinguish between the two, however, as both seek to control natural forces and both are thought to have the potential to bring harm, even when the harm is unintended (as in the use of a love charm to control another's feelings). While many people do not believe in black magic, there are also many who do. For believers, either practising the magic or being the recipient of an evil spell, hex, or other form of harm is very real.
The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person's mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. At present many forms of black magic are being used all over the world. 90% of Vietnam is dominated by the practice of black magic. Parts of Asia including Pakistan, India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia are the areas where the science of black magic is spreading like wild fire. In the west: America, Mexico & parts of South America, England, Eastern Europe & Africa are some of the areas where Black Magic & Voodoo witchcraft is on the rise. Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic,
· Blocked income
· Destroying someone's career
· Bad luck
· Bad dreams
· Breaking a relationship or someone's marriage
· Controlling someone's mind for sex
· Causing accidents
· Making people sick
· Anger & emotional imbalance
· Fear & Depression
· Not allowing the victim to sleep
· Making the victim commit suicide
· Blocking a woman's monthly periods
· Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
· Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
· Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
· Rape of women in dreams by the spirits
· Blocking a woman's ability to conceive
To learn and to practice magic is forbidden in Islam. its mean to seek refuge from fake powers ( called as Gods ) and this is completely ban in islam. To gain the right knowledge upon the right path yields permanent gain and advantage and this path leads to Allah and His Prophet (PBUH). Whereas the bad practices lead to the paths of devils, shitaans and which are nothing but just a temporary gain and permanent loss. The difference between mircale and magic is that miracle takes place due to Allah will whereas magic is a product of evil and malefic practice.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
The word “sihr” has been mentioned almost 60 times in the Quran, explaining how the non-believers attributed the miracles of Allah’s prophets with black magic.Some people denied the existence of Sihr but Magic is a reality upon which Arabs, Persians, Indians and Romans agree. There is no evidence to refute these claims, given that we do not deny the illusion and ( other means of make believe ) in magic. However there are further logical issues and which are indicate in Quran,

 توقيع : أبو موهبة

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علوم الجان - الجن - عالم الملائكة - ابحاث عالم الجن وخفاياه -غرائب الجن والإنس والمخلوقات - فيديو جن - صور جن - أخبار جن - منازل الجن - بيوت الجن- English Forum
السحر و الكهانة والعرافة - English Magic Forum - الحسد والعين والغبطة - علم الرقى والتمائم - الاستشارات العلاجية - تفسير الرؤى والاحلام - الطب البديل والأعشاب - علم الحجامة

الساعة الآن 03:02 PM.

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